you must read'

News For students

learn English with News 

If you want to take an ESL lesson based on what is the matter on our earth, let's take a look at the next ESL English news website. I bet you would love it!

CNN Student News is a news resource for students, sharing breaking and popular news such that students can relate and understand.

Time for Kids is a great online news site with an emphasis on young K-6 students.
The Smithsonian Tween Tribune was developed by the Smithsonian Institute to encourage K-12 students (tweens in particular) to further their knowledge about the world around them while taking part in it by writing.
 New Yorker for advanced students.
  New York Times Learning Blog is a reputable online news resource geared toward students, influencing them to take part in their world through reading.
The Entrepreneur Online Magazine is an excellent online news article resource for upper-intermediate and advanced students. 


BBC is a great place where you can find many news sections such as sports, world, entertainment, culture, etc...

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